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To visit Rome as a "simple tourist" is not so easy. A tourist alone has to find his way through the numerous tangled streets and plazas, through the alleys of the intriguing, unknown neighborhoods, all with a map in hand and the courage to ask lots of questions and directions.

All of this can be avoided if you choose a guided tour from a true "romanus." Vincenzo was born in Rome, lives and studies in Rome. He graduated in Art History and obtained a certified license as a tour guide.

Vincenzo would be pleased to be your personal guide and accompany you in the discovery of the marvelous places in Rome, with their history and tradition. Vincenzo as a true "romanus", can also give you an "in" to the "Rome of today" by proposing spots and locals frequented by Romans. This gives the tourist the opportunity to experience daily life in the city and not be left "lost in space."

Besides the classical tours, Vincenzo also proposes a particular itinerary called
"What Romans Do" which gives the visitor the possibility to live all the emotions and sensations particular to Rome; typical restaurants, local nightlife, cinema, shopping, even the experience of attending a Championship game of soccer! A interesting alternative to the usual tours.

Romanustour Vincenzo - +39 320 2747268